Adult Education in Context –Ā Postgraduate & Early Career Research Conference

Hosted by ACE (Adult Continuing Education), University College Cork, Ireland
in conjunction with:
– ASEM Education and Research Hub for Lifelong Learning (ASEM LLL Hub)
– HELLIN (Higher Education Lifelong Learning Ireland Network)
– Cork Learning City
– Texas State University

Keynote: ‘What’s new about lifelong learning?’
Professor Karen Evans

Conference Format & Aims
Proposals are invited for conferences papers, research roundtables, and posters from postgraduates and early career researchers in adult education, lifelong learning and related fields. The conference aims to create an opportunity for recent doctoral graduates, current doctoral candidates and master students in these fields to present their work in an international forum.
Conference Papers
Papers should be based on completed research (including masters or doctoral dissertations) and will be published in the conference proceedings (online). Only papers presented at the conference will be included in the conference proceedings.
Paper proposals should be no longer than 750 words. The deadline for receipt of proposals is Friday February 28, 2020.
Full papers of no more than 3,000 words must be submitted by Thursday April 30, 2020. Papers submitted after that date may not be included in the conference proceedings.
Research Roundtables
The conference will include a small number of research roundtables, which will explore research in progress. A round table proposal should be no longer than 500 words, it should include a description of the topic, its importance and identify questions/discussions points it is proposed to explore in the session. The deadline for receipt of proposals is Friday February 28, 2020.
Poster Session
The conference will include a poster session, during which the presenter will display a poster and attend to engage in discussion with conference participants on key aspects of the research topic being displayed. A poster proposal should be no longer than 300 words, it should include a description of the topic and its importance. The deadline for receipt of proposals is Friday February 28, 2020.
Additional Information
Proposals submitted early, may receive advance acceptance. For additional information and for submission of proposals visit the conference website.


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